Registration for this course is now closed.
But Terry expects to offer it again in the future!
Make sure you sign up for his mailing list so he can notify you next time he offers the course. You can sign up for the mailing list here:
A New Republic of the Heart:
A Guide To “Being the Change” For Real
with Terry Patten
- Learn why you, really and truly, can be one of the heroes who can make a difference in this challenging time.
- Discover how finding your unique purpose is an integral part of responsibly facing our global predicament.
- Cultivate radical hope while directly facing that it’s “Game Time” on Planet Earth.
New 14-week VIDEO Training With Live Q&A
Starts August 29th. Course sessions are Wednesdays at Noon Pacific.
Hi! I’m Terry Patten. In this 14-week journey, I’ll guide you through my best-selling new book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries. This course is an extraordinary opportunity to put the ideas I’ve synthesized in A New Republic of the Heart into action.
Each week, we’ll read and discuss a new chapter, engaging it at the level of our embodied, awakened consciousness and intending to “live the questions” in community with fellow global citizens and planetary activists. Along the way, you’ll cultivate a deeper relationship to “what time it is” on our planet. What if we face our fears together? Might we emerge more joyful and energized to create positive change than ever before?
Why not just read the book?
You can gain great insight by reading my book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries.
But the design of this course offers something the book (or any book) cannot — a living experience and real-time application of A New Republic of the Heart. You’ll be learning with a select group of people that share your intentions and aspirations and evolutionary energy.
Step-by-step, I’ll walk a group of fellow evolutionaries through learning, practicing, and integrating the book’s powerful synthesis of evolutionary neuroscience, integral theory, deep ecology, and spiritual wisdom. I’ll answer your questions and offer guidance unique to you and your life’s journey. You’ll get support in tackling the “hard question” of how you can implement and engage these insights and get the benefit and change you want.
You’ll take a real step toward breaking through our pervasive cultural “learned helplessness” and connect, in practical terms with your blessed opportunity to “be the change,” together with a great brother-sisterhood, that can serve our evolutionary future.
Getting Real
We’ll take an unflinching look at the threats to our societies, psyches, and world. I’ll trace the origins of the deep denial that has brought us to a kind of civic paralysis, including a digital and media culture that continually hijacks our nervous systems.
But as we break through our denial, we’ll also be awakening to the Wholeness that is our true Nature, recognizing a fundamental “okayness” that cannot be threatened. I’ll help you understand, experience and feel how this liberating truth gives rise to a transcendent, “radical” hope that coexists with an eyes-wide-open relationship to our planetary predicament.
Through this powerful and innovative curriculum, you’ll come to recognize the unique role you can play in healing our planet. We’ll look at what it means to live a life of practice that makes a real difference in our world, and how the inner work and outer work are equally necessary and reinforcing. We’ll practice this inner-outer dynamic together, exploring a rich variety of personal and interpersonal practices, including experiments in virtual “we space.”
A Community of Change Makers
As aspiring citizens of A New Republic of the Heart, it’s up to us to be the ones we’ve been waiting for. That’s why a key function of the course will be to generate in you the ability to co-create the conversations in mutuality that are necessary to catalyze healthy, sustainable change both within and without each of us. Our evolutionary crisis calls on us to transcend the polarized, one-sided perspectives that typify our “national dialogues.” Instead, we’ll adopt an integral orientation that is spacious enough to accommodate a healthy diversity of perspectives, without collapsing into ‘aperspectival madness.’
At the start of the course, you’ll be introduced to other participants and given the opportunity to form self-moderated book study groups that can become communities of practice modeled on and informed by the new “we-tribes” I describe in A New Republic of the Heart.
I’ll introduce each chapter beforehand. Then you can read it and/or listen to it — you’ll receive an exclusive audiobook preview each week of me narrating a chapter. I’ll also offer discussion questions and practices that will help you more deeply explore the rich ideas in the book, lifting our collective veil of denial while connecting us to our “joy on the other side of darkness.”
After you’ve had a chance to read, listen to and discuss each chapter, I’ll expand upon the material with a short video lecture followed by a Live Q&A.
All sessions will be recorded and available for download.
A New Republic of the Heart should be required reading for all humans over the age of 16.”
—Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Saybrook University, co-author of Personal Mythology
What You’ll Discover in these Sessions
Sessions 1 & 2: Our Wicked Predicament and the Consensus Trance (Aug 29 & Sept 5)
Double-Session Deep Dive
Introduction (Session 1) and Chapter 1 (Session 2)
Our predicament calls for us to take an unflinching look at our critical evolutionary crisis, both its perils and promises—from the current state of our Planet Earth, to the trickiness of understanding our situation clearly, to why we just might be “the lucky ones.” In this session, I’ll explain the “wickedness” of the problems themselves as well as how we humans are hardwired to miss, ignore, or deny these problems. We’ll also look at the difference between “radical hope” and “false hope” and how an orientation to Wholeness allows us to transcend despair and see the inspiring evolutionary opportunity of our wild times. Together, we’ll engage an introductory practice of mutuality and declare our citizenship in A New Republic of the Heart.
In these sessions, you’ll:
- Learn what it takes to counteract a digital age that reverse-engineers our neurological hardwiring and hijacks our attention and capacity to care
- Encounter the great Koan of our time and learn how it’s the birthplace for evolutionary emergence
- Claim your citizenship in a New Republic of the Heart and understand why this new way of being is already coming alive in and among us
- Understand how the evolutionary pressures of our unprecedented times can strengthen your capacities and deepen your relationships
Session 3: Translating Heartbreak into Action (Sept 12)
Hardship and loss often lead to new levels of effectiveness, gratitude and appreciation — but only if we have a solid foundation. This session will explore how the inner and outer work are complementary and dependent, and redefine activism as “the impulse to be of benefit to something greater than ourselves.” We’ll begin to acknowledge some of the “terrible truths” of our situation while opening to the “wonderful secret” of unconditional happiness that fuels our action in the world.
In this session, you’ll:
- Synthesize personal and interpersonal practice with the outer work of service, politics, social entrepreneurship, and ecological living
- Better understand why deep inner work is so crucial for catalyzing the holistic whole-system change our world needs
- Learn how to transform your grief and heartbreak to joy and contribution
- Start to cultivate a liberating relationship to our chaotic times that’s both clear-eyed and sober AND joyous and passionate
Session 4: Wholeness and Fragmentation (Sept 19)
Our true nature and the nature of everything around us is Wholeness. In this session, we’ll engage the orientation of Wholeness and the idea that nothing can be threatened since we exist in a state of uncaused happiness and love. We’ll consider how connecting with wholeness supports balance in our everyday lives, allowing us to sustain and heal ourselves so that we can sustain and heal the planetary life-support system. We’ll also work with the paradox of Wholeness in the face of the threat and dysfunction we see all around us.
In this session, you’ll:
- Establish a felt connection to wholeness that can translate into effective activism
- Awaken to your role as a creative participant in a larger natural process capable of self-transformation and healing
- Embrace the radical practice of wholeness, a subversive and healing act in our age of fragmentation
- Learn what’s needed to sustain the positive contributions you’ve already made or plan to make — for the long haul
Session 5: The Evolutionary Perspective (
Sept 26)
When we step back and take in a broad, evolutionary perspective, larger patterns reveal themselves. Most critically, we begin to see the tremendous role we play in determining the future of evolution. In this session, we’ll learn why
it often takes extreme evolutionary tension to give rise to sudden spurts of dramatic progress, and how we appear to be entering one of these exciting periods. We’ll also consider how blind faith that “evolution will find a way” could have negative, far-reaching consequences.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how evolution’s method of “differentiation and integration” counters the scenario for our global crisis of “doom and gloom”
- Open to your blessed opportunity to “be the change,” with your brothers and sisters on an evolutionary scale
- Clarify the consequential things we can we do now that will support creative and auspicious change
Session 6: The Integral Revolution (Oct 3)
People have relied upon Integral thinking to clarify strategies, heal polarization, create more effective group dynamics and organize their maps of reality. In this session, we’ll apply integral understanding to our global dilemma, appreciating how all human perspectives are partial views of a larger truth. We’ll clarify the three predominant cultural worldviews (premodern, modern, and postmodern) and consider healthy and unhealthy aspects of each — both in the broader culture and in our own lives. Finally, we’ll “step into” the insights and knowledge of each, recognizing that a mature integration is needed to address our current global crises.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore the implications of the fundamental integral tenet that “Every perspective is both true and partial”
- Understand the nature of how worldviews shape perception and attitudes, and recognize those in play in our world today and how they interact and clash
- Examine how an integral approach to change can enrich the ways we act, organize, and reach across political and cultural barriers
- Practice the integral perspective of “transcend and include” and discuss how it can transform everyday situations — from the polarized perspectives that dominate our news to difficult family gatherings
Session 7: Life as Practice (Oct 10)
In this session, we’ll explore what it means to “practice” in all aspects of our lives, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and culturally — both as individuals and in community. We’ll review the flexible disciplines of an integral spiritual practice and how it creatively relates to life’s unfolding, informing every new moment. Finally, we’ll engage an integral practice grounded in the awakening of free consciousness and love. From this radical, new practice perspective, we’ll arrive at the realization that life lives us, rather than the other way around.
In this session, you’ll:
- Deepen your understanding and realization of the Wholeness of your true nature, so that it can make you a more effective agent of change
- Learn how to stabilize the transformative effects of great psychological insights and energy shifts that tend to fade over time
- Discover how your personal practice, and your relationships, can and must become an effective response to our world’s larger predicament
- Cultivate both self-forgiveness and the ability to take responsibility for your inevitable lapses as a practitioner and change agent
Session 8: The New Stories of Our Souls (Oct 17)
In this session, we’ll engage the paradox of discovering our unique genius even as we awaken to our true nature of Wholeness. By exploring mythic stories, archetypes and metaphors, we’ll begin to engage the adventure of “soul work.” We’ll contemplate how embarking on these journeys in our own lives can empower us to discover and manifest our deepest purpose. Finally, we’ll deepen our awareness of how our unique contribution is an integral part of responsibly facing our global predicament.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover the part you have to play in the cultural ecosystem and the ways you might be holding yourself back
- Explore how our collective cultural stories can either uplift or suppress us, and the power we have to shift these narratives
- Embrace the powerful link between your individual ingenuity, our collective human ingenuity, and the evolutionary process itself
- Discover the power of “yin leadership,” the feminine dimensions of the maturity and courage it will take for us to meet our planetary challenges
Session 9: Awakening into Evolutionary Activism (Oct 24)
The word “revolution” is used in many ways, but the most truly revolutionary thing we can do in our time is to bring wholeness (and healing) into this world of fragmentation. Holistic inner work expresses itself in outer work that creatively addresses the need for whole-system change and the multidimensional nature of culture and society. This “evolutionary activism” can take a multitude of forms, including in-the-system political engagement, against-the-system protests, and around-the-system activism. We’ll look deeply at the holistic synergies that are expressed in particular evolutionary activist projects.
In this session, you’ll:
- Tap into a new level of practice that expresses itself through in-the-system, against-the-system, and around-the-system approaches to positive change
- Recognize how your own practice is critical to activism, and therefore critical to our collective survival and evolution
- Understand the nature, and many of the nuances, of integral, evolutionary and transpartisan approaches to activism
- Open to following your heartbreak — and your genius
Session 10: A New Tribalism and a New Republic of the Heart (Oct 31)
Powerful synergies can be activated by communities of practice, transforming our ways of being in conversation, understanding reality and working together. These communities can also challenge our denial and break the consensus trance. This “new tribalism” can give us the deep support and collective creativity we need to catalyze the innovative, accelerated thinking and cooperation that can effectively address our global predicament.
In this session, you’ll:
- Transform your relationships with yourself and others as you come to recognize that our wild and wooly time is really a collective spiritual initiation
- Learn how you can co-create a community of practice and awakening that can ultimately get strong enough to stand as a moral center for a social movement
- Gain a deep understanding of what it means to practice in community even while you increasingly manifest your unique genius
- Embrace the shift from from “me to we” as you draw upon your inner transformation to transform the collective
Session 11: Conversations That Matter (Nov 7)
Isn’t it strange that, as extreme as things are getting, it’s maddeningly hard for people to have a real conversation about the things that matter most? In this session, we’ll break through that invisible boundary to explore the nature of effective conversations, and the structures and shared agreements needed to nurture them. We’ll consider what it takes to engage deep, generative mutual exchanges. We’ll also identify the significant conversations about our future that are currently taking place within three groups: innovators, ecologists, and evolutionaries, and how those groups tend to tune each other out to the detriment of us all.
In this session, you’ll:
- Connect with the “epistemic humility” needed to transcend polarized positions and superficial dialogue
- Encounter your own limitations and learn who you might be consciously or unconsciously refusing to listen to
- Clarify the shared dialogic agreements to which you already conform, and consider new ones you might want to explore
- Engage interpersonal practices that allow you to more authentically participate in “conversations that (reallly!) matter”
Session 12: It’s Not Too Late, and It Never Will Be (Nov 14)
It’s game time on Planet Earth. We each have a unique role to play in transforming civilization and planetary life. It’s is up to us, through our inner and outer work, to enact all necessary changes for creating a living, sustainable, exciting future. In this session, we’ll consider the many ways that trust manifests — trust in the process of evolution, trust in the state of wholeness in which we are grounded, and trust that we are a part of a greater and more magnificent process than we can imagine.
In this session, you’ll:
- Become anchored in a trust of life deeper than “apocalyptic fear,” recognizing that our current crisis is a collective spiritual initiation
- Begin to show up more fully in a world that is getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster
- Dissolve the “civic paralysis” of feeling inadequate to our world’s enormous, sometimes abstract problems
- Learn how ordinary folks like you and me are precisely the heroes that are called for in this challenging time
Session 13: Getting Real and Staying Real (Nov 28)
At its core, A New Republic of the Heart offers hope and excitement about our shared future — and a sense of how you can actually make a difference! In this session, we’ll reaffirm our relationship to “what time it is” on our planet, acknowledging what we fear and emerging joyful and energized. We’ll bear witness to the countless good works and projects in action around the world and affirm our power, and our right, to create a life of deep meaning and purpose, even under chaotic circumstances.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how even in times of suppressive cultural environments, we can rely upon our innate goodness and the goodness of others
- Reconnect to our grief and heartbreak as a catalyst for joy and contribution
- Tap into the power of the collective we-space, remembering that it’s what is needed to sustain the positive contributions you’ve already made or intend to make — for the journey into our evolutionary future
Registration Is Closed
3 payments of
$147 USD
1 payment of
$397 USD
Group discounts are also available! Please email for additional info.
From students and readers of Terry’s work…
“It has been a long time since a book has captured everyone’s enthusiasm the way A New Republic of the Heart did in our book study group…Part 2 actually changed our engagement. It brought us face to face with the challenge of defining our intention. I ardently believe the collective engagement you pointed to is necessary to carry us out of our current cultural stagnation to the unbounded potential in our unknown future.”
—Diana S., Book Club Member, Dayton, OH
“After 30 years of searching and experimentation, it was Terry Patten’s course that finally helped me evolve from being a spiritual seeker to being a spiritual practitioner.”
—Grant Hunter, Silicon Valley, CA
“Terry’s integral practice teaching inspired an attitude in me that has fundamentally shifted my point of view—to regard human potential and the future of our troubled planet with discerning hope.”
—Doris Tennant, Newton, MA
I’ve been a student and practitioner of Integral Theory and philosophy for 15 years, and Terry´s teachings are… what my soul was deeply asking and yearning for—for 51 years.
—Jochen Becker, Dusseldorf, Germany
His work is effective because it is integral. It originates from the Heart, and leaves no dimension of you untouched…Terry’s work is truly at the forefront of today’s spiritual unfolding.
—Hans Plasqui, Belgium
“My experience in Terry’s workshop was life changing. It was both philosophical as well as experiential. There was both a level of seriousness and spiritual grace as well as laughter and joy. I couldn’t have asked for more. It was real: from beginning to end.”
—Nancy Pickard, Colorado
“After studying with Terry I had a completely different view of the events of my life. I no longer saw my life as a victim story, but rather as the soul journey of a heroine.”
—Maria Baes, Ontario, Canada
What’s Included With Your Course
Exclusive, pre-release audiobook files of A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries
Each week, you’ll receive an exclusive, pre-release chapter of the audiobook version of A New Republic of the Heart, narrated by me and pertaining to the following week’s session. You can read and/or listen to the chapter on your own in preparation for the upcoming session, and discuss it with your self-moderated book group.
PDF files of each chapter of A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries
We recommend that you purchase a paper copy of the book, which we think will be easiest for you to read, and you can easily underline important passages and make margin notes as well. In addition, each week you’ll receive a watermarked pdf of one chapter of the galleys pertaining to the following week’s session. You can then read, print, and highlight the text in preparation for the upcoming session. If you’re a part of a self-moderated book group, you can discuss the chapter when you meet.
Twelve 75-minute Class Sessions
Each week you’ll join me and a virtual community of brothers and sisters for a 75 minute video teaching session. Step-by-step, I’ll walk through the process of learning, practicing, and integrating A New Republic of the Heart’s powerful synthesis of evolutionary neuroscience, integral theory, deep ecology, and spiritual wisdom. During that 75 minutes, we will reserve time for LIVE interaction, where I can answer your questions and offer insights, guidance and coaching unique to you and your life’s journey. Course sessions are on Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 1:15 pm Pacific.
Twelve Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. We encourage you to join every session live, but if you have a scheduling conflict, you can watch the recording at your convenience. This is also a great tool for reviewing and integrating the material.
Twelve Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. We encourage you to join every session live, but if you have a scheduling conflict, you can listen to the recording at your convenience. This is also a great tool for reviewing and integrating the material.
Interactive Exercises, Practices and Discussion Questions
I’ll offer discussion questions, exercises and practices that will help you more deeply explore the rich ideas in the book and practically apply them to your life. This will accelerate your learning and bring the material alive. The discussion questions in particular will enrich your experience if you choose to join a self-moderated book group.
Online Community
Our private Facebook online community, exclusively for participants in this course, will provide a supportive environment for you to connect and have conversations about these key topics outside of our class sessions or your book study groups. Here you can continue the conversation and deepen your understanding with fellow participants.
Self-Moderated Book Study Groups
At the start of the course, you’ll be introduced to other participants and given the opportunity to form self-moderated book study groups. We’ll assist in this process by having you fill out a survey to determine time zones and compatibility. These communities of practice will be given discussion questions and practices informed by the new “we-tribes” I describe in A New Republic of the Heart. Note: This is an extra and recommended option, additional to the course itself. It will be self-moderated, self-managed and self-monitored.
More Praise for A New Republic of the Heart
“In a stunning marriage of wild heart and cool mind, Terry Patten turns the black diamond of our global darkness to illuminate our hearts, hone our wills for selfless service, and resplendently deepen our commitment to enact our divine identity and its joy, whatever happens. This is a major work of pioneering originality accomplished with great intellectual grace and profound sacred passion.”
—Andrew Harvey, Author of The Hope – A Guide to Sacred Activism (from the Foreword)
“We all know that humanity is at a critical turning point—and this is THE manual for all who want to meet this moment as the historical call to action that it is. Combining brilliant social commentary along with a step-by-step blueprint for catalyzing whole-system change from the inside out, Terry shows us the way to rise into our personal and collective destiny.”
—Claire Zammit, Ph.D. Founder,
“A superb, terrific, exciting, sane, and enlightening look at more truly integral approaches to activism. It represents a social activism that is certainly social, but also personal, emotional, spiritual, ecological, relational, and that stems from, and points toward, the very leading-edge of evolution itself. Highly recommended!”
—Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision and Grace and Grit
“The world is changing now, rapidly and radically. Terry Patten imparts a challenging insight to us all—helping us feel and understand how the world is calling us to transform our interior lives as well as our behaviors relating to our immediate urgent evolutionary challenges.”
—Thomas Hübl, international teacher of practical mystical competence and founder of the Academy of Inner Science
“Like all true spiritual guides, Terry Patten shows us how to open our hearts and respond to this suffering world. His book is thoughtful, careful, and joyful.”
—Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei, author of The Zen of You and Me and Everything is Workable
“With deep caring and illuminating insights, Patten unfolds an integrative analysis of our impending crisis of civilization, offering a valuable handbook for those trying to make sense of what’s happening and—most importantly—what they can do about it.”
—Jeremy Lent, author of The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning
About Terry Patten
TERRY PATTEN is a philosopher, activist, consultant, coach, teacher, and social entrepreneur. He is the author of the bestselling book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries, as well as Integral Life Practice, which he co-wrote with Ken Wilber and a core team at the Integral Institute. As a teacher, he created the acclaimed online courses Integral Spiritual Practice, Living the Integral Heart, The Integral Soul Work Journey, and Awakening your Revolutionary Heart. For the past seven years he’s guided Circles of Mutuality which focus on deep “we-space” and relational work.
Terry is the founder of the “Beyond Awakening” teleseminar series and Bay Area Integral. As a social entrepreneur, he founded the pioneering consciousness technology company Tools For Exploration and led the team at the HeartMath Institute that developed their first heart-rate variability monitor. He co-leads initiatives in restorative redwood forestry, fossil-fuel alternatives, and transforming collective trauma.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a virtual course?
A: Virtual learning is a way for you to participate in a course from anywhere in the world — home, office, wherever you have a reliable internet connection. You can join the weekly sessions via computer, mobile device, or telephone and access course materials via computer or mobile device. We’ll be using Zoom video conferencing for our live events. If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own connection.
There is no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.
Q: What if I can’t make all of the classes?
A: Each session will be recorded, both in video and audio format, and posted to the course homepage, so if you have a scheduling conflict, you can watch or listen to the recording at your convenience.
Q: How does the Facebook Course Group work?
A: Our Facebook online community is open only to participants in this course. The intention is to provide a lively, supportive environment outside of class. Here you can continue the conversation and deepen your understanding with fellow participants.
Q: How do the self-moderated book study groups work?
At the start of the course, you’ll be introduced to other participants and given the opportunity to form self-moderated book study groups. We’ll assist in this process by having you fill out a survey to determine time zones and compatibility. This is an extra and recommended option, additional to the course itself. While we’ll offer guidelines and help to connect you in the beginning, the ongoing group meetings and dynamics will be self-moderated, self-managed, and self-monitored.
Q: Do you offer group discounts?
A: We have established 3 levels of group discounts:
- 25% off for a group of 3 to 4
- 37% off for 5 to 7
- 45% off for 8 or more
You will need a coupon code which can be applied to both the one time payment ($397) or the installment option (3 payments of $147). To obtain your coupon code email with the names and email addresses of your group.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with this course is what matters to us most. To that end, you can receive a full refund if you cancel by Sept 4th, 2018. To request a refund, please contact us and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help! (Please note: No refund requests accepted after the above date.)
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please contact us and we’ll get right back to you.
“What we have here is possibly the finest example of the making of the possible human and with this, the development of a possible world.”
—Jean Houston, Ph.D., Chancellor, Meridian University, author of A Passion for the Possible
Registration is Closed
3 payments of
$147 USD
1 payment of
$397 USD
Group discounts are also available! Please email for additional info.
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