From a public conversation with evolutionary theologian, bestselling author and evangelist for Big History Michael Dowd
In this brief clip, Terry asks Michael about finding one’s unique purpose in an era of overwhelming social, ecological, and political challenges. It would be easy to dismiss such soul-searching as impractical or even self-absorbed. And yet such seeking is inherent to the human experience.
Michael suggests that the answer lies with the rise of a new system, wherein humans live as supportive members of the earth community. Within this new paradigm, the experience of discovering our unique soul’s purpose will align with the “body of life.”
Register to access the full dialogue and other Beyond Awakening dialogues here: http://www.beyondawakeningseries.com/
3:56 minutes (3.61 MB)
Dear Terry,
I am taking this
Dear Terry,
I am taking this as a part of your reply to my letter and feeling blessed and enfolded by it – this need to transcend my own life and story and be of service to the larger sphere – which I already know and am already working with and into. And I take nourishment from this, and from many places and people in order t continue my own active contribution and participation.
Deep bow and heart-felt gratitude,