Thich Nhat Hanh famously said “the next Buddha may be a Sangha.” It’s a phrase that is repeated so often for a reason — it points to something important.
In this brief video, Terry asks — what kind of practice is required to earn our place as a creative participant in such a community? How can we join together and go way beyond what we already know? Only that has a chance to transform our world. And yet that’s what Buddhas do.
Next Buddha a Sangha
Thanks Terry. I believe we all are worthy and coming to that knowing has taken me all of my years. Opening to the love and guidance that is waiting for our
humble asking and allowing of it may be our next collective step.
Mandalas in the sand.
I have a since of that satsang interactions with my mediation of creating mandalas with the ebbing tide.
It’s remarkable to witness the synchronicity of the “synthetica” tools as the perfect stylus for a glissening berm.
The inherent beauty of the Sacrid Geometry is being transmited and transformed to elelectonic media from etching in the sand. A kind of poetry.
new Buddhas
I think we need new stories, created via projects that help us learn to do/be in community what we cannot do/be alone. And then we will need to find ways of sharing them, because odds are good the media of the old story may not welcome the news!!
The bursting of the derritives bubble
It appears you have found something to do that could be seen as meaningful to the future of the planet, however,
what may not be seen is that the monstrous investments made by the 5 large banks in derritives, the latest bubble,
if you will, will be bursting this year.
Now, that will nbe a fully transformational world event, are you personally prepared ? Are the people on your list prepared?
A new Sanga based on survival, rather than the fantasy on enlightenment, may be more to the point
Hello my friend,
Thay’s vision is being realized in his own tradition. As he is now unable to travel and teach as a result of a stroke, his heir, the Sangha is already acting as his continuation. The year long world tours of retreats, as well as the retreats at his home monastery in France, have continued without a break and the community he empowered through his 70 plus years of teaching and practice is doing a superb job of counting to offer transformative practices just as they did when he was on the road with them. It is indeed heartwarming to be part of a practice which is manifesting exactly what you are, quite rightly I think, suggesting.
Authentic Community. The
Authentic Community. The Impersonal Self. The Glory of God. It’s time now. We are with you.
Groups for Global Awakening
I have explored two-way telepathic awareness with hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals for over thirty years. As liberating and educational as it is to be awake together as both many and as one, we are also required to accept and not resist or even fear being no one, no thing and no body .. going no where forever. As ironically, this is our true nature, out of which all form based imagination re-originates billions of times a second.
As nonexistence, serving without agenda or identity, we are each freed from all suffering by being the engine, axis and source of existence–as primordial, unborn, indestructible consciousness. Nature has designed us to share a common sense, with access to our combined intelligence, and share a cosmic consciousness with all sentient beings–as Love its self/Self. Yes, let’s come together now to anchor the one we all are, to add to this eternal dawn. Who will hear me–here and now–to reach forward and join in as this awakening of awareness?
Sperry, I like what you are saying here
What you say rings true – very freeing and expansive. A recognition that this is already so and we only need that recognition. Thank you for these words.
reply to Janet
“A recognition that this is already so and we only need that recognition.”
Janet, if you choose to recognize this as already so with “others” who know they are not others, please write to Those for whom “this” rings true can be spiritually free of needless suffering.
Sharing Recently Published Essay
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Co-Creating the buddha-sangha
Yes, I agree. It appears that at the turn of the last century, Rudolf Steiner had a similar view — that the “second coming” of Christ (consciousness) would be etheric or in a form other than the human form. This idea that we are evolving and the “wisdom” of Jesus, Buddha, et al. will be inherent in a form that will be different — and will constitute … what? action? movement toward something pure and beautiful? we don’t know, right? But we are caught in a liminal space, that of “not knowing”, a space which is ungrounded. It can be exciting (as the adrenaline moves through us), and can also be anxiety provoking which, due to fear, can (and will) create chaos . We are seeing this all around us, right? And most of us know there is something that is calling us to action, but we don’t know exactly what this “action” is. But we continue forward, coming back to balance (meditation) and action out of our inherent wisdom rather than our reptilian brain. I hope.
The Alchemy of We- Leadership
I have had a vision for a long time of community of awakened individuals working together for a thriving work – enjoying themselves along the way. I’ve seen some of this emerge in the Waking Down in Mutuality and Trillium Path communities of Practice, Thomas Huebl community, Evolutionary Collective, Andrew Harvey and the Networks of Grace, and the Integral Community. I see threads expanding and connecting these and other circles to bring change with consciousness into the world. It’s happening. Sometimes slowly, sometimes in quantum leaps. My passion is helping this process unfold and express in every way I can. Thank you for your gifts being given to the world Terry.
My Best,
Eric Grace
Soka Gakkai Internacional
Hi! Terry and friends in this path!
I went to Denver in 2012 and met Terry, Jeff Salzman, Diane M. Hamilton,just to mention a few of the amazing souls that were there, and, last, but not least, Ken Wibler!… I went there all the way from Argentina looking for something that I know begin to understand, was a shanga.
Coming back to Argentina left me with a sense of lonelyness because I knew there were very few possiblilities of meeting some friends and teachers like those in Denver.
However, I was already member of Soka Gakkai International, a lay Society led by DAISAKU IKEDA, now retired as president of SGI but still working really hard. The SGI is in 192 countries and it is thriving and growing wonderfully.
Now, my point is. Most members of this organization are a very mixed group of people of really different levels of evolution and culture!… But I have to admit that my being part of this “Shanga” changed my life in so many ways, because it has an extremely free and generous organization,not dogmatic, very efficient, and there is plenty of material to read. In fact I visited SGI in New York and bought many books!.
My point is this: Is it possible that a very simple practice, like chanting NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO as Tina Turner does ( and so many others) 12.000.000 members )can be so sucessful in completely different countries? I would love to belong to a shanga led by Integralists. I feel very lonely sometimes, because very few members of my organization have ever heard of Ken Wilber, if ever.
However, the organization is each day more prosperous. I have never payed a peso! You are not required to pay. So money is completely out of the question!.
My question would be. Could I be NEAR a shanga that is Integral and remain in another one, where most of its members are not intellectual in the vast majority. There are however, renouned intellectuals that admire( some are no longer alive…) DAISAKU IKEDA, like Jehudy Menuhin, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Arnoldo Toynbee, etc. etc. etc..
I am a retired English Teacher and opera singer. I would not mind going with a certain regularitiy to activities that were organized by you, Terry.
Josefina Lorenzo
There must be awakened Buddhas before . . .
there can be a Buddha Sangha.
Aspiration and idealism may be necessary, but are not sufficient.
Discriminate between one and the other. It’s a practical matter.
That way, it’s easier to keep our noses clean.