SAND (Science And NonDuality) recently published my article How Can Wholeness Be In Crisis? Inquiring into the Human Predicament.
Key quotes:
“Advances in technology, scientific knowledge, cultural values, spiritual vision, and psychological sophistication are remaking the world so rapidly that there are ample reasons for hope. Yet it is this lower, primitive structure—this consciousness rooted in separation rather than wholeness—that responds unskillfully and even destructively to evolutionary challenges. It must be alchemically transformed if we are to rise to a new evolutionary octave.”
“We are being called to our next stage of evolution, a new level of consciousness, and a new kind of human maturity. This is not seeking, rooted in a sense of problem, or lack. And yet it is urgent. We are being called to evolve beyond the exploitive, cannibalizing behaviors arising from narrow self-interest, and to make our lives and behavior serve the greater good of the whole.”
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