I invite you to listen to this audio of a major live event I held on December 13, 2018, announcing a radical social experiment for 2019. You can download the audio here.
Or you are welcome to watch the video from the webinar:
Consider this:
- We know that humanity’s highest spiritual wisdom tells us that our deepest nature is an expression of prior divine unity.
- We know that science is telling us that radical changes are needed now if the industrial civilization in which our lives are embedded is to avoid collapse.
- We know that we need each other — both to achieve our highest possibilities — and to avert what we most fear.
- We know that love is more powerful than fear, and that a new level of love is called for now.
The most important wisdom in A New Republic of the Heart can only come alive if tested and applied in a “laboratory” of committed participants — how (and if) we can catalyze and engage emerging new patterns for relationships needs to be field-tested, as does the idea that we can create the radical change our world needs.
In this recording I explore the question, “What if a group of us really “went for it,” showing up as the most awakened version of ourselves as much as possible, supported by collective agreements, deciding to create a kind of transformative crucible as free as possible of the assumptions and conventions that reinforce the consensus trance of our larger culture?”
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