Heart Intelligence
Convening Transformational Conversations and Communities
Growth Centers and Conscious Conference Communities
Exploring Our Stories
Integral Evolutionary Resources
Climate and Ecology Activism
Partisan Political Activism (USA)
Understanding Our Ecological Predicament—Facing the Darkness
Explicitly Spiritual Activism
Conscious Business
Transpartisan Initiatives
Communities of Spiritual Practice and Inner Work
About these resources.
A new republic of the heart is coming into being spontaneously, naturally, sprouting through the “cracks in everything” through which light gets in to our fragmenting world. Here we list just a few of the countless organizations, websites, publications, and other resources that express the intelligence of the heart as it reclaims the human world. You can turn to them as you consider how you can connect more fully with the inner transformational work and the outer activist work through which you will make your most powerful contributions to wholeness.
This is a very partial list, reflecting my imperfect memory (please forgive me, my dear friends whose important work I forgot to include!) and the limits of my personal experience in privileged Northern California, and the reality it points to is MUCH larger. We are already expanding this online version. And none of them (even my own projects) reflects all the ideals, values and the ultimate vision of “a new republic of the heart.” And some resources link to many others. Each is finding a way to co-create some aspect of this new republic of the heart. If you would like to suggest a resource to us, please do so here.
Also, this only lists initiatives that are consciously attempting to enact cultural transformation. Equally valuable dimensions of a new republic of the heart, however, are the much larger number of efforts that embody the health and wholeness and caring character of human culture—not only the international relief workers, as important as they are, but also local churches and charities and other good works; nurses and doctors and teachers and social workers and firefighters and emergency medical technicians and other first responders; the farmers and technicians; the workers and entrepreneurs; and the countless community builders and leaders who keep re-weaving the social fabric.
When the body (or body politic) is under siege, what restores well-being is not just the immune system, but also the vastly larger number of cells that just keep pumping the blood and lymph and nerve impulses, sustaining life and health. They are not listed here, but I want to acknowledge and appreciate the widest possible spectrum of the broad and ultimately universal emergence of a new republic of the heart.
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