You probably didn’t know that I started my 40-year journey into the higher potentials of Integral Spirituality as an atheist.
Atheistic rationality helped me outgrow my neurosis and delusion. Skepticism clarified my being and brought me to all there really is—this present moment. In the depth of what is simply present, I eventually discovered my own consciousness. And from that depth I was able to notice the Grace that miraculously emerges every moment in very real ways—for example, in the form of what’s best in us coming forward—our insight, courage, and creativity. Where do they come from? No one knows.
But as soon as we think of “right now”, it’s already the past!
In this 3 minute video, I describe my path to an authentic spirituality based on, and yet transcending, skeptical rationality.
Blessings, Terry
present moment
what a wonderful statement! Thanks, Terry – we share this with you and the universe – every moment as part of this wonderful prodess.
Love from Monte Verità and the Villa Unspunnen, Switzerland
Ralph Remo
your 3 min video The Grace Potential of being Present
Thank you Terry, I found what you said resonated well with where I am right now,
and thought how beautifully you expressed something that is a feeling that really
words cannot touch with any adequacy.
The Grace potential
yes it is wonderful to know that such a fine genuine teacher like Terry communicates from his own experience. I was surprised to hear that he had an atheistic attitude at an earlier time. I have studied Kashmir Shaivism and my teacher Muktananda explained that Reality uses a 5-fold process: emanation, existence, dissolution. concealment and grace. It is so refreshing to hear Terry and become aware of the role of grace in our lives.
Great video
What a wonderful and eloquent post. As an intellectual mystic, I am pleased that you have used your intellect to support your consciousness. Although, on bad days your will was probably more essential. I don’t think anyone can reach your achievements without the support of all their qualities.
My semi-awakened consciousness was an essential component which enabled me to continue my intellectual path and my divine education.
I have heard Andrew Harvey speak of the necessity of his “cool practices,” or meditation, which helps him along the very emotional path of the heart. I don’t know how he does it. Emotions drive me crazy.
I just want to say; may your consciousness continue to expand and may your path touch everyone in the world.
The Grace potential of the present moment
thank you Terry
Thinking “right now”
I wanted to make one final comment before this post returns to its eternal sleep.
Terry said, “as soon as we think right now, it has already past.” This is what Jesus meant when he said thinking a sin was the same as doing it. Thinking it will throw you right out of heaven the same as doing it. Of course Terry was talking about the heaven of God’s consciousness and Jesus was talking about the heaven of God’s passionate love, but of course your heaven is between you and God.
May you find your heaven and never leave it.