I’d like to share a brief video clip of my answer to a poignant question I recently received in my New Republic of the Heart course. It concerns the idea of an evolutionary “tipping point” and when it will occur.
View the Video Here
Some think about at tipping point in terms of higher consciousness; others in terms of ecological breakdown. So it’s talked about with both excitement and dread.
When will it occur? In a very real sense it is already happening “now” and in another sense some of its expressions are still in the future.
It all depends on how you think about it How long is “now”?
In many ways the tipping point is right now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you recognize the tipping point in positive terms.
The tipping point can be thought of as the moment when we change, radically, and just plain “get right with God”;
Or the moment when our unique way of being a human becomes aligned with the Wholeness that cares about all of life;
Or when we answer the call to be a citizen of a New Republic of the Heart.
There is also a way in which the unfoldment of our lives, moment by moment, is a series of “tipping points” in which we choose, not just once, but again and again, to become conscious, healthy and integrated human beings. This is how we transform ourselves and each other.
I invite you to watch the video here [LINK TO: https://app.box.com/s/iyng0uhh991vcfbul36dzvbzrprmdkvp ].
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