Our dear friend, teacher, guide, and radiantly bright light, Terry Patten, passed away peacefully on Saturday, October 30, surrounded by his family.
As many of you are aware, Terry was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer in April, and he courageously, vulnerably and luminously shared about his “life-threatening and life-brightening” process. Over his last week, Terry’s health declined quickly and he was surrounded by family and loved ones at his home, in a field of love and deep peace, during his final days and hours.
All of us in Terry’s nonprofit community, A New Republic of the Heart, are with you in feeling a depth of grief and unspeakable gratitude for the fullness and gift of Terry’s life and legacy—and our collective loss.
Amidst our grief, many of us are also feeling deeply inspired and called forth by Terry’s courage, compassion, and ever-deepening surrender as he navigated the last seven months of his life — the radiance of his being beckoning us to treasure and trust in the process of our lives, and this very moment.
Please join with us as we continue to hold Terry, his family, and close friends in our hearts and prayers.
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